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Productivity Tips So You Get More Done
September 23, 2020

Productivity Tips So You Get More Done

Productivity Tips So You Get More Done


You want to get be more productive, more efficient, more successful – right? To get more done in the same amount of time it is up to you.

“I don’t have enough time to get everything done that I need to get done” is a common cry the inefficient and unproductive hide behind.

We all have 24 hours in the day – right. So the difference is how we use that time. How are you using and prioritising your time? Some tips for you.


No doubt you have heard the story of the professor who asked his class to get the sand, pebbles, rocks and water into a beaker.

The rocks (the important) need to go in first, followed by the pebbles. The sand will fit around the gaps between the rocks and the pebbles and finally the water. So the first thing is to know what the important things are.

Have clear goals – specific, measurable, relevant and time-bound. Oh and don’t forget it’s not all about business. There is family and ‘me time’ as well.

Revisit your goals every morning. Are you on track? What’s the next step to take you forward?

Have your “To Do” list written down and broken down into the A, B, and Cs with A1 being your top priority. The MUST get done. Yep, it’s old fashion. However, it’s still used by efficient people because it works.

Also, I’ve found that if I first do the important thing that I don’t want to do then I get a sense of relief and can easily focus on all the other important things that need to be completed without constantly thinking about the unpleasant task yet to be tackled.

Check your To-Do list and remember the ‘Three-D Rule’.

Do it

Delegate it or

Dump it.

I know you can do the task probably quicker and better than your staff.

However, is that the best use of your time? This is an opportunity for you to help your staff grow and develop.

Identify what can be handed over to somebody else. Don’t work on the $20/hour task when you should be working on the $1000/hour tasks.

This may mean you need to recruit new talent or outsource some of your activities.


Take action.

Don’t get paralysed by perfection. There is never a “perfect time”, so get on with it.

Research shows multitasking is an inefficient use of time. If you get interrupted then periodically shut your door and put out your “Do not disturb, I’m playing golf” sign.

Work in blocks of time where you focus on one thing. This gets you in the flow – that sweet spot of high productivity.

Follow the ‘deal with it once’ policy. This is for emails, paperwork, requests for help etc. Follow the 3D rule.

Colour code the tasks in your calendar. This can be different colours for different tasks, meetings with customers, meetings with staff, answering emails in the afternoon etc.

Work in blocks and allow time for a break – go for a short walk and get some fresh air.

Also what are you going to stop doing?

You know those things that don’t add any value to your job or your life – well stop doing them.


Is that meeting really necessary?

Do you have a clear agenda and time frame? Keep to both and you’ll find your meetings are more productive and your staff will see more value in them.

Oh and only have those that need to be at the meeting attend the meeting. This goes for you too.

Do you really need to attend or can they get on fine without you? They can give you a brief report on the meeting outcomes, (who, what, when), while you tackle higher priority stuff.

Plan your meetings. Have a clear purpose and agenda and keep the team on topic and your meeting will be more productive.

For your meetings have a “parking lot” to note down all the ideas that come up that aren’t related to that meeting’s agenda. This way those items aren’t forgotten and you can set another time to deal with them.


Technology can be a help and a hindrance. Use technology to be productive and efficient. Don’t be distracted by it.

For meetings to save travel time you might use Skype, GotoMeeting or AnyMeeting.

Set yourself an email discipline. When you require a response to an email you send tell the receiver(s) when you want a reply by.

You might want to read and respond to emails at a set time in the afternoon.

Oh and to avoid distractions turn off all pop-up notifications.

Have the discipline to turn the phone off when in a meeting and forget your social media sites until the end of your day. (Unless of course social media is part of your job)

And a couple of final tips.

Don’t Take the Monkey

Often you’ll get interrupted by staff who bring their problems to you. Block out times to deal with them so your staff know when to call in.

But don’t take the monkey.

The moment they pass the monkey from their back to you, you have another task to deal with. Ask them for recommendations so they know to come to you with solutions or options. This speeds up the process and makes you more productive.

Give clear authority guidelines so they know what they can and can’t do without discussing it with you.


On a personal level – are you getting enough sleep?

A lack of sleep can dramatically impact your productivity. What’s the number of hour’s sleep you need to be efficient and on top of your game? Knowing your sleep requirements and what time you get up set a specific time to hit the sack.

At night avoid blue light that is emitted by Smartphones and computer screens as blue light has been found to affect the brain. Read a paper book or magazine. 30 minutes of reading before sleep is a great way to improve your knowledge.

Eat, drink, sleep and exercise well and you’ll find it helps you be more productive.

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